Sunday, January 2, 2011

Truth (Genesis)

I have been meditating on truth this last evening and into the early hours of the morning, and have arrived at this definition: Truth is that which puts the cell in sync with the organ, the organ in sync with the organism, the organism with its environment, and so on out to the infinite. 

As such, all truth is deeply personal; we have each felt it when it has moved us in the soul. Further, all truth is universal. However, as finite beings, the only perspective from which we can recognize truth is our own.

It is arrogant to think we can recognize truth from any perspective other than our own; we can know that our personal truth is connected to the universal, but we cannot know how. To think we can know what is truth, or not, for another being is pure arrogance.

This pure arrogance is the pinnacle of pride--the ultimate and original sin from which all other sin has erupted; it has been the downfall of angels and men since the Beginning. It is the Antithesis of Love; it is the ultimate and singular Evil; it is the Enemy of Life because it is a proponent for the finality of death!

Is this the message Adam was created to deliver?


  1. Sonny, thank you for continuing to share you faith journey with all of us. I know that it is an encouragement to me, at least.
    There is one thing that I would like to add to your above thoughts, since I have pondered such questions myself in the past. While our perceptions and ability to know and understand are indeed finite, God has pierced and continues to pierce through our limitations to speak truth. Jesus, "the way and the Truth and the life" (John 14:6), who was and is God, came and pitched His tent with us, and lived among us (John 1). That is the ultimate example of Truth coming to us. Even the Bible - the Word of God - is actively delivering truth to us (Hebrews 4:12). It's exciting! Throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, we see the story of God pursuing humanity to our benefit (e.g. Isaiah 65:1-3). The sad thing is that all too often I ignore God the Pursuer, and choose instead to trust in my arrogant finiteness.

  2. Thanks, Trevor, for the comment! I know and I have felt the truth being delivered to me as I gain knowledge of Christ through the Holy Spirit. There is no doubt in my mind that truth is being delivered through Him! I think the danger lies in thinking that something that is revealed to us negates what is revealed to others (perhaps even through another faith) simply because we cannot see how the two truths can coexist in the universal. All prophecy hangs on love, and love keeps no record of wrongs, even when we know our neighbor's beliefs are not meant for us. Our relationship with God is deeply personal, and the Enemy tries to use that fact to detract from our love for our neighbors.
